Thursday, September 18, 2008

Travel Agency

Hey Webkinz fans! Hisklmuzical again. Well, today, I thought I would post about a recent addition to Webkinz World. It's the Travel Agency, and it's tons of fun. At the Travel Agency, a friendly Whimsey Dragon will help you buy your ticket to either the Tropical Island, or the Spa. At the Tropical Island, your pets go on a getaway to a fantastic vacation! There, your pets can win prises on the Vacation Wheel or my fave, "Don't Rock the Boat.". Now, on "Don't Rock the Boat" what you have to do is rock the boat. :). You can either win Kinzcash or some fabulous vacation items you can't get anywhere else. Be careful! There is a ghost within the boat, who hates when your pets rock the boat. If he comes out, you pets happiness will go down to 0, and you will probably have to send them to the spa. (Look below to find out more!) It happened to my Black + White Cat, Bella, and boy was she scared! Anyway, at the Tropical Island, you can also visit the Coral Cove. It's basically like the Clubhouse, except there are contest and a buffet. If you want to bring your pets some memories of your trip, you can go to the Souvenir Shack, where you can buy up to three items that you can only get at the Tropical Island. Other then that, you can send one-of-a-kind postcards to your friends. The whole trip costs 500 Kinzcash. Now, the Spa you can't go to, but it's a great way to pamper your pets. All of their meters get fully restored. Even though you can't go with them, your pets will REALLY appreciate it. The cost of the ticket depends on how many Webkinz you have.
Well, I hope you go on vacation and if you do, enjoy! Bye for now!


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