Thursday, October 9, 2008

Licorice Bats and Pumpkin Pop

Hey, this is Hisklmuzical here, ready to give you some Halloween news. Well, it seems that the Halloween theme is back, and so are the Licorice Bats and Pumpkin Pop (Sorry I couldn't snag any pics. Just go on, look in either the New Items section or the food section-I use New Items, it takes less time-and look for a pumpkin on a stick and a bunch of small candy bats.), which come every year with the Halloween theme. I have never gotten these treats B4, but now that I have some, I'm gonna cook up some tasty treats! These are both very yummy, and your pets will be glad you bought them! So get yourself some, and stay tuned to Online Plushies while your at it. Bye!


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